Dalton and Dad (with an Austin scowl in the back :) |
Yesterday my brother in-law Dalton (19) left to serve a two-year
LDS mission to Independence, Missouri. Before he was dropped off at the MTC everyone went to lunch. My Dad and I got to go together and we had so much fun! My Dad definitely has not lost his sense of humor. It is fun to me to watch him interact with friends and how he still loves to make people laugh! It is great to see his personality shining through all the confusion. He is awesome!
Afterward we went to the BYU Museum of Art to walk through the
Carl Bloch exhibit. It was incredible! I have long admired paintings I didn't know he created. It was an incredible experience! We were able to stand in front of many of his original alter paintings and sketches. I enjoyed being there with my Dad so much. It was wonderful to take in the beauty and the depth of feeling in these marvelous paintings.
Dad standing on the balcony at the Museum of Art. Below us was the Carl Bloch exhibit. |
Years ago, I decided on a favorite religious painting. I didn't know it was a Carl Bloch. The original is owned by the BYU MOA and I have seen it before. The title is
Christ Healing the Sick at Bethesda. I was really touched while we were standing in front of this painting, my Dad and I. I thought back to the reason I had decided on this painting as my favorite. It touched my heart to think of the hope in this painting. Observing a scene as the Savior took up a man, sick for 38 years, and
healed him. I am touched to think that after 38 years of waiting and hoping that this man had enough faith still to be healed by the Savior. So as I looked at it, and my Dad looked at it, I thought of us all. How all God's children will be blessed. Because of Jesus Christ we have the hope of having resurrected bodies that won't have diseases or deformities or strokes or anything else. I am so grateful for the Atonement and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the Holy Ghost which makes the truth of all things known unto all who ask. I so love the Savior, and knowing what He has done for us just makes me want to be called His friend. I want to defend Him, I want to talk reverently about Him and help others to know of the wonderful blessings we have from Him. He truly is wonderful! He is indeed the Prince of Peace.
I am so thankful I was able to spend over two hours walking through the exhibit again and again. It was fun to see my Dad so drawn to the beauty of the paintings and so interested in their creator, Carl Bloch. My Dad actually has a favorite painting as well, and it was done by Carl Bloch. I don't know the title of it and they didn't have it on display, but I am glad we got to do something together that my Dad and I really enjoyed doing together.
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