My Dad's parents, Mark and Carol Smith |

When I was three years old, my Dad got a job in Utah county. On the day of the move, boxes all packed and loaded, my Dad was hit by a drunk driver into the Kaysville Ponds off of I-15. In 2006 he went in for a "routine heart ablation." The doctors there were not aware of his reverse vein anatomy, nor were we, and ran right through a vein resulting in permanent health problems, including the permanent daily use of coumadin. In 2008 he went to a different hospital to have the same heart procedure done. There his heart was punctured and he went into cardiac arrest with no breathing, no pulse for eight minutes. He was miraculously revived, but the resuscitation caused aspiration which caused a serious and life threatening lung condition, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and had a months long stay in the hospital, most of which was spent in the NICU intubated. The lung doctors predicted he would have permanent lung damage, and likely require the permanent use of oxygen. He miraculously was declared to have 100% lung recovery days before July 6, 2010, when he suffered a massive hemorrhagic stroke. He was taken to the ER in a coma and given very slim chances at survival and even slimmer chances of surviving with a live worth living. My Dad was taken to neuro surgery and was operated on for over four hours. He came out of the surgery alive and with a stapled head. He remained in the NCCU in a coma for several weeks until he woke up from the coma. He was moved to the NICU and the rest I'll skip for the good reason that it is too hard to think about. :) Later in 2010, on December 27 I believe, he endured a "grand mal seizure" at home, and a second one while in the ER. We found out he definitely has epilepsy.

My Dad now lives a good but slower life although his ability to read is gone and he can't see as well. He has aphasia and a very difficult time remembering and processing new information. He is our Dad and he is still the man! He has many wonderful talents and qualities that are some what hidden under a bushel now, through no fault of his own. He loves animals and connects with them, he is interested in learning, reading, books, nature, and has really painted and sketched a lot of beautiful scenes. A favorite memory growing up is him waking us up very often in the morning to go out to breakfast. He has always loved doing that! He loves to pick a subject and learn all about it. He loves his family, his neighbors and friends and his dog and he is a wonderful human being. We love him and are so grateful to have him! He is a great dad and an excellent grandpa!
Great guy!