30 August 2012

Thankful for Life's Daily Miracles!

"There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as thought nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle."
     ---Albert Einstein


My family is alive, well, healthy, and other than worn out, HAPPY!

We were given our daily bread, and then some!

We have enough money at the end of the month to cover bills.

The sun came up in the morning!

The Utes are up 7!!!  (No surprise, really! GO UTES!)

We all had clean underwear to put on this morning. (YAY!)

If my daughter did swallow a penny, it doesn't seem to be bothering her.

My son didn't fall out of the shopping cart and break his head! (And it really did look like he was going to!)

I survived a really trying situation this morning.

I think I'll get all the fruit sitting in the kitchen canned.

I have time and opportunity to sit and write this!

We got our daily scripture study done---my favorite part of the day!

My son went to bed early! Bless his heart.

We all had baths today.

Can a little child like me
Thank the Father fittingly?
Yes! Oh Yes! Be good and true!

Patient, Kind in all you do.
Love the Lord and do your part,
Learn to say with all your heart:
Father, we thank Thee!
Father, we thank Thee!
Father in Heaven, we thank Thee!

For the fruit upon the trees,
For the birds that sing of Thee!
For the sunshine warm and bright,
For the day and for the night!
For the joyful work and true
That a little child may do,

1 comment:

  1. You are so awesome! I need to be more thankful for life's daily miracles! Thank you for the reminder! And I hate to admit this, but Carson swallowed a penny once. It came out in his diaper the next day! Didn't bother him at all.
